Here is a list of common Glossary commonly used in Digital Marketing. Familiarizing yourself with these terms which will help ensure effective understanding with marketing terms used for earned and paid platforms.
This glossary is to assist those seeking a clearer understanding of digital marketing terms.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

  1. Keyword: A specific term or phrase that users enter into search engines to find relevant content.

  2. SERP (Search Engine Results Page): The page displayed by search engines in response to a user's query, containing organic and paid results.

  3. On-Page SEO: Optimizing individual web pages to rank higher and earn more relevant traffic in search engines.

  4. Off-Page SEO: Activities outside the website that impact search rankings, such as backlink building and social media promotion.

  5. Backlink: A link from one website to another, seen as a valuable factor for search engine rankings.

  6. Anchor Text: The clickable text in a hyperlink, often used to provide context about the content being linked to.

  7. Meta Title: The title tag of a webpage displayed on search engine results pages, providing a concise description of the page's content.

  8. Meta Description: A brief summary or snippet of a webpage's content, displayed below the meta title in search engine results.

  9. Alt Text (Alternative Text): Descriptive text added to an image's HTML code, aiding accessibility and providing context for search engines.

  10. Crawling: The process by which search engine bots systematically browse and index web pages.

  11. Indexing: The inclusion of web pages into a search engine's database, making them available for retrieval in search results.

  12. Canonical URL: The preferred version of a URL when duplicate content exists, helping search engines understand the primary page.

  13. Sitemap: A file that provides information about the organization of a website's content to assist search engine crawlers.

  14. Robots.txt: A text file on a website that instructs search engine crawlers which pages to crawl or not crawl.

  15. Page Speed: The time it takes for a webpage to load, a factor influencing search rankings and user experience.

  16. Long-Tail Keywords: Phrases containing three or more words, often more specific and less competitive than single-word keywords.

  17. Organic Traffic: Visitors who arrive at a website through unpaid search results.

  18. Bounce Rate: The percentage of visitors who navigate away from a site after viewing only one page.

  19. Schema Markup: Structured data added to HTML to provide search engines with additional information about the content.

  20. Mobile-Friendly: Ensuring a website is optimized for a positive user experience on mobile devices, impacting search rankings.

Facebook & Instagram Ads

  1. Meta Ads: Advertising using meta tags and data to display contextually relevant ads.

  2. Facebook Ads Manager: The platform used to create, manage, and analyze Facebook ad campaigns.

  3. Instagram Ads: Advertisements displayed on the Instagram platform.

  4. Ad Creative: The visual and textual content of an ad.

  5. Ad Copy: The text part of the ad that conveys the message and call-to-action.

  6. Ad Set: A group of ads targeting a specific audience and budget.

  7. Audience Targeting: Selecting specific demographics, interests, or behaviors to show ads to the right audience.

  8. Custom Audience: An audience created based on existing customer data or website engagement.

  9. Lookalike Audience: An audience created by Facebook/Instagram that resembles a custom audience.

  10. Conversion Tracking: Monitoring actions taken by users after clicking on an ad.

  11. Click-Through Rate (CTR): The percentage of people who clicked on the ad compared to the number of impressions.

  12. Cost Per Click (CPC): The amount paid for each click on an ad.

  13. Cost Per Thousand Impressions (CPM): The cost for 1,000 ad impressions.

  14. Return on Ad Spend (ROAS): The revenue generated from ad campaigns compared to the ad spend.

  15. Frequency: The average number of times an ad is shown to a user.

  16. Engagement Rate: The percentage of people who engaged with an ad (e.g., likes, comments, shares) compared to the number of impressions.

  17. A/B Testing: Comparing two versions of an ad to see which performs better.

  18. Landing Page: The webpage users are directed to after clicking on an ad.

  19. Call-to-Action (CTA): A prompt encouraging users to take a specific action (e.g., "Learn More," "Shop Now").

  20. Ad Placement: Where the ads are displayed on Facebook/Instagram (e.g., News Feed, Stories, Right Column).

  21. Ad Relevance Score: A metric that rates the relevance of an ad to its target audience.

  22. Ad Scheduling: Setting specific times and dates for ad delivery.

  23. Ad Auction: The process used to determine which ads are shown to users.

  24. Pixel: A code that tracks user activity on a website after interacting with an ad.

  25. Retargeting: Showing ads to people who have previously engaged with a website or ad.

  26. CPM Bidding: Bidding strategy where you pay per 1,000 impressions.

  27. CPC Bidding: Bidding strategy where you pay per click.

  28. Dynamic Ads: Ads that automatically display products based on a user's behavior or interests.

  29. Lead Generation Ads: Ads designed to capture user information, such as email addresses, for lead generation.

  30. Carousel Ads: Ads with multiple images or videos that users can scroll through.

Google Ads

  1. Google Ads: The advertising platform by Google that allows businesses to display ads on Google's search engine and partner websites.

  2. Campaign: A high-level container for organizing and managing your ads.

  3. Ad Group: Subdivisions within a campaign where you group related ads and target keywords.

  4. Keywords: The words or phrases you choose to trigger your ads when users search on Google.

  5. Ad Text: The copy and headlines used in your ads.

  6. Ad Extensions: Additional information that can be added to your ads, such as phone numbers, site links, and location information.

  7. Quality Score: A metric that determines the relevance and quality of your keywords, ads, and landing page.

  8. Click-Through Rate (CTR): The percentage of users who clicked on your ad compared to the number of impressions.

  9. Cost Per Click (CPC): The amount you pay for each click on your ad.

  10. Cost Per Thousand Impressions (CPM): The cost for 1,000 ad impressions.

  11. Conversion: A desired action taken by users, such as a purchase or form submission.

  12. Conversion Tracking: Monitoring the actions taken by users after clicking on an ad.

  13. Landing Page: The webpage users are directed to after clicking on an ad.

  14. Display Network: A group of websites that partner with Google to display ads.

  15. Search Network: Google's search engine and its partner search sites where your text ads can appear.

  16. Remarketing: Showing ads to people who have previously visited your website or interacted with your ads.

  17. Ad Rank: The position of your ad on the search results page, determined by your bid, ad quality, and expected impact of ad extensions.

  18. Cost Per Conversion (CPC): The amount you pay for each conversion.

  19. Ad Budget: The daily or monthly budget you set for your ad campaign.

  20. Broad Match: A keyword matching option that triggers your ad for related searches.

  21. Phrase Match: A keyword matching option that triggers your ad for searches containing your chosen keyword phrase.

  22. Exact Match: A keyword matching option that triggers your ad for exact matches of your chosen keyword.

  23. Negative Keywords: Keywords you specify to prevent your ad from showing when certain words or phrases are used.

  24. Impressions: The number of times your ad is shown.

  25. Ad Schedule: Setting specific times and days for ad delivery.

  26. Ad Rotation: Options for how often Google shows your ads in an ad group.

  27. Ad Testing: Experimenting with different ad versions to determine the most effective one.

  28. Click Fraud: Illegitimate clicks on ads to deplete the advertiser's budget.

  29. Ad Position: The placement of your ad on the search results page.

  30. Search Terms Report: A report that shows the actual search queries that triggered your ads.

Web Design & Development

  1. Accessibility: The ability of a website to be used by people with disabilities, such as those with visual, auditory, or motor impairments.

  2. Backend: The server-side of a website that handles data storage, processing, and communication with the frontend.

  3. Blog: A website or section of a website that contains regularly updated content, often in the form of articles or posts.

  4. CMS: Content Management System. A software application that allows website owners to create, edit, and publish content on their website without requiring technical expertise.

  5. CSS: Cascading Style Sheets. A language used to describe the visual appearance of a website, including fonts, colors, and layout.

  6. Database: A structured collection of data that can be accessed and manipulated by software applications, often used to store and organize website content.

  7. Domain Name: The unique name used to identify a website, often ending in .com, .org, or .net.

  8. E-commerce: The buying and selling of goods or services online, often through a website.

  9. Frontend: The client-side of a website that users interact with, including the visual design and user interface.

  10. HTML: Hypertext Markup Language. The standard language used to create web pages and define their structure and content.

  11. JavaScript: A programming language used to add interactive features and functionality to websites.

  12. Responsive Design: A design approach that ensures a website looks good and functions properly on all devices, including desktop computers, tablets, and smartphones.

  13. SEO: Search Engine Optimization. The practice of optimizing a website to improve its visibility and ranking in search engine results pages.

  14. UI: User Interface. The graphical elements and controls that users interact with on a website or software application.

  15. UX: User Experience. The overall experience a user has while interacting with a website or software application, including usability, accessibility, and user satisfaction.

  16. Web Hosting: The service of providing storage space and access to a website on the internet.

  17. Web Server: The computer software that serves web pages to users over the internet, often accessed through a web browser.

  18. Wireframe: A visual representation of a website's structure and layout, used to plan and design the user interface and user experience.

App Design & Development 

  1. API: Application Programming Interface

  2. Agile: An iterative software development approach

  3. Backlog: A prioritized list of features, bugs, and other items that need to be addressed

  4. CMS: Content Management System

  5. Debugging: The process of finding and fixing errors in software code

  6. Framework: A pre-built set of tools, libraries, and guidelines used to simplify and standardize software development

  7. Git: A distributed version control system used to track changes in software code

  8. IDE: Integrated Development Environment

  9. JavaScript: A programming language used to add interactive features and functionality to websites and mobile applications

  10. MVC: Model-View-Controller

  11. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP): A programming paradigm that uses objects and their properties and methods to structure and organize code

  12. REST: Representational State Transfer

  13. Responsive Design: A design approach that ensures a website or mobile application looks good and functions properly on all devices

  14. Scrum: An Agile project management framework

  15. SDK: Software Development Kit

  16. SQL: Structured Query Language

  17. UX: User Experience

  18. Version Control: The process of managing changes to software code and other files over time

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