5 Key Differences Between Marketing And Branding - Stars Commerce

5 Key Differences Between Marketing And Branding

In this blog, I want to to talk about the differences between Marketing and Branding and which is better. We noticed a lot of confusion with clients what branding is different from Marketing. 

So let's start of with the definition! "A Brand is a name, term, design, symbol or any other feature that identifies one seller's good or services as distinct from those of other sellers." 

On the other hand Branding is architecting and managing the meaning and experience of the brand with intention." So branding is managing the meaning of the brand, the names, the terms, the designs, the symbols that go into making any company distinct from its competition. 

Ultimately, a Brand is a Promise. It's a promise that your company make and keep the promise in every product and services experience, marketing activity, every action, every corporate decision and every customer interaction." 

Now let's look at the definition of Marketing! Marketing outlines the specific activities of how, where and when a brand will promote its products and services to its customers targets in the marketplace. 

Let's talk about 5 key differences:

1. Branding is the What and Why. Marketing is the How 

So Branding s concerned with the what of the product. What the products and services? What do they do? What is the value that's delivered? We can also call this the Value Proposition. Branding is why the seller does something. Marketing on the other hand, is about tactics. It's about how the seller will go to the market and how will they promote their products and services. Marketing is about advertising, communications, the benefits of the product and services both functional and emotional. 

2. Branding is LongTerm. Marketing is ShortTerm

Branding is the long-term value. It's about establishing a long-term memory and experience, perception in the consumer's mind. Its about building a deep emotional resonance that lasts overtime. Marketing on the other hand is concerned with generating immediate action. It's about short-term activity. 

3. Branding is Macro. Marketing is Micro

Branding is concerned as a big picture, its about overarching perceptions and attitude. It's about zooming out. Its not about short-term activity. Marketing is concerned with details. Its' concerned with actions being taken, activities that's happening, and those thats generating sales. What we do, we here we do and how we do. 

4. Branding build loyalty. Marketing generates actions.

Branding is about what the consumers feels long-term about the brand. How that loyalty is built. What is that long-term preference and long-term buying habits. Marketing in the other hand is concerned with short-term, quick and immediate action. Anything that is going to create immediate results for the brand. 

5. Branding defines Value. Marketing monetizes Value.

Branding seeks to instill that deep emotional resonance, the emotions into the consumers about the brand. It's about creaking that long-term affinity, long-term preference. Thoughts of how to get people to share about the brand word of mouth. How to get them to pass it down to their next generations. Marketing on the other hand is about turning that value into money. However, Marketing seeks to get money from the consumers in turn for the brands benefits, the values, the emotions that the brand delivered. So monetizing value is what Marketing is about. 

If you are looking for a marketer to help you build your brand and execute the right marketing plan, contact us.  

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