Email Marketing To Grow Your Business - Stars Commerce

Email Marketing To Grow Your Business

Your email list is actually one of your most important business assets in Creating High Converting Business. Today we'll share the forth most important tactics to use and grow your business with how you have direct access to the inboxes of the people who have given you permission to contact them via email. Not only that, but email is one of the most effective sales channels. So, although you may be having a lot of success with your shop, your website or your offline networking, it’s always worth building your Email List and sending out an email newsletter.

Build Your Email List 


There are many different ways to increase subscribers, but one of the simplest ways to get started is to come up with a simple offer for your future customers. This could be anything from:

  • A simple checklist
  • A how-to guide
  • A list of resources
  • A small video course

Just make sure your offer is helpful, actionable, and solves a common problem most of your potential customers will have. However, always leave them wanting a little bit more and suggest they get in touch if they need further help. After all, that “further help” could mean using your services or products.

Another trick to using an email list effectively for growing your customer base is to continuously feed it with new content. That might mean a weekly newsletter, previous blog content, helpful tips and case studies. The idea is to build trust, show expertise, and demonstrate you understand your customer’s problems. Eventually, it will lead them right back to your door. 

Time To Optimize Your Site for Website Conversion

You have everything you need to improve your site and get more customers; it’s time to take action to actually get yourself a website conversion.

Start now adding things like improving site speed, adding a contact form, or including compelling calls to action. Then, move on to the next most important change you think will help drive more business. Take it one step at a time, always improving and watching out for ways to make your website better, faster, more goal-focused, and customer-helping!

Now, go get those customers!

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